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Love To Birth Doula Services Contract

Doula Scope of Practice:

Working under the title of a Doula deems me a non-medical professional. I am not able to perform clinical tasks or make medical decisions for you under this scope. I am able to educate and counsel you on any decisions that may arise and provide physical/emotional support during our time together. As a doula I am working for you and your wellbeing during labor/birth and hold no loyalties to the hospital, doctor, midwife or birth center you may choose to use.

Description of Services:

  • 2-3 prenatal visits: I will meet with you and your partner before labor to get to know each other and discuss birth preferences, labor and birth techniques, potential scenarios and other preparation topics. These meetings can take place in the comfort of your home or an agreed upon alternate location.

  • Labor Support: non medical support for early labor as discussed with you and 24/7 support once needed or active labor begins (further details below)

  • Postpartum visits: phone call follow up 1-2 days after birth, 2 visits/meetings to follow up on how you and baby are doing after birth 

  • Available via text/phone/email for pregnancy, birth and postpartum questions and support

  • The client is ultimately responsible for ensuring all prenatal/postpartum visits are scheduled.

Labor and Birth Support:

  • We will discuss specifics together as to how you would like to be supported during labor but the following are general guidelines for how a doula typically will work

    • Early labor support either over text/phone, we will be in contact during this time to determine when I should meet you for in person support

    • Notify me either by text or call when you believe you may begin to have labor signs to allow me time to make arrangements so I can support you to my best abilities. When you are ready for me to join you for in person support, please CALL me, to ensure you get a hold of me quickly. Please allow for up to 90 minutes (plus additional time based on length of travel) between notification of needing in person labor support to me being able to be present for in-person support.

    • 24/7 labor support from active labor to birth including: Non medical support such as emotional, physical support, aiding with comfort measures such as positioning, breathing, tub/shower, pushing and being your advocate to help you make fully informed decisions in your birth setting.

    • At your birth (and any other meetings that last 2+ hours), I will require time to pump every 2-3 hours as I am exclusively breastfeeding my child at this time.

  • For inductions of labor: If scheduled ahead of time, and desired by client, I am able to arrive with you to get settled in and assess from there when I should be present for in person support. If the induction is initially unplanned (i.e. provider advises to induce immediately during an appointment), I will do my best to accompany you to be settled in and then assess as discussed above for in person support

  • For scheduled c-sections: I will arrive with you to the hospital as you are preparing for your birth. I will provide support during this preparation period as needed. If the hospital allows, I can accompany you into the operation room for additional support, photos, to help facilitate any special requests we may have for your birth experience, etc.


  • I will stay with you at least 2-3 hours after birth to help get everything settled, initiate first breastfeeding and any other wishes we have discussed

  • We will have 3 postpartum meetings, the first 1-2 days following the birth (typically via phone call or video chat) and the other two at 2-4 weeks and 2-3 months post partum to debrief your experience, ask questions and chat about life with your new baby. I can also provide light housework such as laundry, dishes, cleaning to help ease your postpartum load. 

  • I will bring you and your family a meal at one of your postpartum meetings (you can arrange for additional meal services for your prenatal or postpartum period through my meal services offering).

  • I will be available during this time via text/phone/email for questions just as in the pregnancy phase

Contacting me:

  • I will provide you with my phone number once I receive your signed contract and retainer fee.

  • Any vacation time/time unavailable for communication will be conveyed to you

  • For non-urgent communication, I will get back to you within 1 day and as I am able to on weekends. Please keep texts or calls between 9am-6pm unless the matter is urgent (such as showing labor signs, going to hospital for triage or being admitted).

  • If you need medical advice/assistance or are in an emergency please call your provider or 911

  • If you are showing labor signs or in active labor please CALL  (do not text me for notification of start of labor or request for in person support, especially if it is a time where I may be sleeping as a text will not wake me), DO NOT email as I may not see your email quickly. 

What if I am unable to make it to your labor/birth?:

  • I will inform you if I have any planned potential time around your due date where I would be unavailable to attend and support you. In this case I will have a back-up doula arranged to help fill in as needed. If the back up doula is able to attend your birth in place of me there will be no refund in fees.

  • In some cases of rapid labor I may not physically be able to get to you in time to support your labor/birth resulting in no refund of fees.

  • In cases of extended labor, if I am present with you for 12+ hours, I may request a back-up doula to take my place so I can rest and recoup in order to be at my best to continue supporting you.

  • If failure for myself or my back up to attend your labor/birth is my fault, I will refund you half of the doula fee.

Payment and Fees:

  • An additional travel fee may be applied to locations outside of my typical 50 mile radius and/or more than 50 minutes travel time to your home where the majority of our meetings will be held.

  • Forms of payment accepted: Venmo, Zelle, cash, paypal, Square, check, HSA

    • Note: payments via Square and PayPal incur a small service fee

  • I am willing to work with you on a payment plan and even discuss barter/trade options as appropriate

Non-refundable retainer fee (to be paid at time of booking/contract is submitted):
Non-refundable retainer fee (to be paid at time of booking/contract is submitted):
Remaining fee (paid by 36 weeks):
Remaining fee (paid by 36 weeks):
Travel fee (enter amount if one was quoted to you)


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